Топ 50 самых красивых английских слов
1 Mother — мама
2 Passion — страсть
3 Smile — улыбка
4 Love — любовь
5 Eternity — вечность
6 Fantastic — фантастический
7 Destiny — судьба
8 Freedom — свобода
9 Liberty — свобода
10 Tranquillity — спокойствие
11 Peace — мир
12 Blossom — расцветать
13 Sunshine — солнечный свет, радость, счастье
14 Sweetheart — возлюбленная
15 Gorgeous — великолепный
16 Cherish — лелеять
17 Enthusiasm — энтузиазм
18 Hope — надежда
19 Grace — благодать
20 Rainbow — радуга
21 Blue — синий
22 Sunflower — подсолнух
23 Twinkle — мерцание
24 Serendipity — интуитивная прозорливость
25 Bliss — блаженство
26 Lullaby — колыбельная
27 Sophisticated — утонченный
28 Renaissance — возрождение
29 Cute — милый
30 Cosy — уютный
31 Butterfly — бабочка
32 Galaxy — галактика
33 Hilarious — веселый, шумный
34 Moment — момент
35 Extravaganza — феерия
36 Aqua — вода
37 Sentiment — настроение, чувство
38 Cosmopolitan — космополит
39 Bubble — пузырь
40 Pumpkin — тыква
41 Banana — банан
42 Lollipop — леденец
43 If — если
44 Bumblebee — шмель
45 Giggle — хихикать
46 Paradox — парадокс
47 Delicacy — деликатес
48 Peekaboo — игра в прятки
49 Umbrella — зонтик
50 Kangaroo — кенгуру
Фразы для ведения беседы на английском языке
What are your hobbies? — Какие у вас хобби?
What's your job? — Кем вы работаете?
What sports do you like? — Какой спорт вам нравится?
How long have you been studying English? — Как долго вы изучаете английский язык?
Can you play any musical instrument? — Вы играете на каких-нибудь музыкальных инструментах?
Have you ever fallen into the water? — Вы когда-либо падали в воду?
How do you call these animals in your language? — Как вы называете этих животных на своем языке?
Have you ever saved another person? — Вы когда-нибудь спасали человеку жизнь?
Do you visit the zoo? — Вы ходите в зоопарк?
What country is your best ally? — С какой страной вы больше всего дружите?
Do your pets protect you? — Ваши домашние животные вас защищают?
Have you ever helped an injured animal? — Вы когда-нибудь помогали раненному животному?
Do you have a strong leader in your country? — У вашей страны сильный лидер?
How many twins do you know? — Как много близнецов вы знаете?
Do you like hot air balloons? — Вам нравятся воздушные шары?
Has anybody ever interrupted your speech? — Вас когда-нибудь перебивали?
Have you ever been to Australia? — Вы бывали в Австралии?
Is your car fast? — У вас быстрая машина?
Do you play ice hockey? — Вы играете в хоккей на льду?
Have you ever seen a plane crash? — Вы когда-нибудь видели авиакатастрофу?
Are you a good swimmer? — Вы хорошо плаваете?
Do you have any gold coins at home? — У вас дома есть золотые монеты?
Do you support any football team? — Вы болеете за какую-либо футбольную команду?
Have you ever been to Hawaii? — Вы бывали на Гаваях?
Do you believe in UFOs? — Вы верите в НЛО?
Have you ever been stuck? — Вы когда-нибуль застревали где-либо?
Do you like art? — Вам нравится искусство?
Have you ever been in a car accident? — Вы когда-либо попадали в аварию?
Have you ever been drunk in a dangerous situation? — Вы когда-нибудь бывали в состоянии опьянения в опасной ситуации?
Have you ever seen a whale? — Вы когда-нибудь видели кита?
Have you ever run a marathon? — Вы когда-либо бегали марафон?
Do you like acrobats? — Вам нравятся акробаты?
Are you scared of rats? — Вы боитесь крыс?
Have you ever been attacked? — На вас когда-либо нападали?
Do you like dangerous situations? — Вам нравятся опасные ситуации?
Would you panic if your plane had a problem? — Вы бы стали паниковать, если бы у вашего самолета возникли неполадки?
Do you visit museums? — Вы ходите в музеи?
Do you have any brothers or sisters? — У вас есть брат или сестра?
Do you watch documentaries about nature? — Вы смотрите документальные фильмы про природу?
Do you like history? — Вам нравится история?
What is your favourite food? — Какая ваша любимая еда?
What was your worst punishment at school? — Какое было самое сильное наказание у вас в школе?
What is the most interesting building in the world? — Какое строение интересней всех в мире?
Do you like astronomy? — Вам нравится астрономия?
What was the most dangerous situation in your life? — Какая была самая опасная ситуация в вашей жизни?
ultrasound noun |
a test that examines the body's internal organs and processes using sound waves (often used during pregnancies) |
The ultrasound shows that we are expecting a baby boy. |
umbilical cord noun |
the lifeline from the mother to the fetus (when cut at birth this forms the belly button) |
I had an emergency C-section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. |
unconscious adj |
alive, but appearing to be asleep and unaware of the surroundings |
I hit my head on the steering wheel and was still unconscious when the ambulance arrived. |
urine sample noun |
a small amount of the body's liquid waste that is tested for different medical reasons |
The urine sample tells us how much alcohol is in your blood. |
vein noun |
the thin tubes that transport blood around the body and back to the heart |
I'm just looking for the best vein in which to insert the needle. |
virus noun |
a dangerous organism that causes the spread of minor and major diseases |
The virus is contractable through the exchange of bodily fluids. |
visiting hours noun |
time of day when friends and family are allowed to visit patients in hospital |
I'm afraid you'll have to come back during visiting hours. |
vomit noun/verb |
discharge of a person stomach contents through the mouth |
The pregnant woman can't stop vomiting. |
ward noun |
a section of a hospital or health facility where patients stay |
I should warn you that we're entering the mental health ward. |
wheelchair noun |
a chair on wheels used for transporting patients from place to place |
If you get in the wheelchair I'll take you down to see the garden. |
wound noun woundedadj |
injury to body ("flesh wound" means not deep) |
The wounded soldiers are being airlifted to the hospital. |
x-ray noun/verb |
a photograph of a person's bones and organs |
The technician took x-rays of my shoulder to make sure it wasn't broken. |
Электротехнические термины на английском
science |
наука |
technics |
техника |
electrotechnics |
электротехника |
resistor |
резистор |
circuit |
цепь |
current |
ток |
voltage |
напряжение |
capacity |
емкость |
inductance |
индуктивность |
commutation |
коммутация |
source |
источник |
conductivity |
проводимость |
resistance |
сопротивление |
capacitor |
конденсатор |
coil |
катушка |
converter |
преобразователь |
conductor |
проводник |
semi-conductor |
полупроводник |
magnet |
магнит |
electromagnet |
электромагнит |
accumulator |
аккумулятор |
electricity |
электричество |
measuring instrument |
измерительный |
voltmeter |
вольтметр |
am(pere)meter |
амперметр |
oscillograph |
осциллограф |
transient |
переходной процесс |
electric |
электрическое поле |
device |
устройство |
Выражение просьбы на немецком
He могли бы Вы сказать… |
Könnten Sie nicht sagen… |
Можно войти/обратиться/спросить/уйти? |
Darf ich rein/fragen/gehen? |
Разрешите спросить? |
Gestatten Sie eine Frage? |
Скажите, пожалуйста… |
Sagen Sie bitte… |
У меня к вам просьба. |
Ich habe eine Bitte an Sie. |
Будьте любезны/так добры… |
Seien Sie bitte so gut/nett/freundlich/lieb… |
Мне хотелось бы… (+ инф.) |
Ich möchte… (+ Inf.). |
He могли бы Вы мне помочь? |
Könnten Sie mir helfen? |
Помогите мне, пожалуйста. |
Helfen Sie mir bitte! |
Дайте (Покажите…; Скажите…) мне, пожалуйста; … |
Geben Sie (Zeigen Sie…; Sagen Sie…) mir bitte… |
Подождите меня, пожалуйста! |
Warten Sie bitte auf mich! |
Проводите меня, пожалуйста! |
Begleiten Sie mich bitte! |
Ответные реплики
Да, c удовольствием! |
Ja, gern (gerne). |
Разумеется! |
Selbstverständlich! |
Конечно! |
Natürlich!/Gewiss. |
Пожалуйста, прошу Вас. |
Ich bitte herzlich. |
Я в вашем распоряжении! |
Ich stehe Ihnen zur Verfügung. |
Постараюсь сделать все, что в моих силах. |
Ich werde mein Bestes tun. |
He могу. |
Ich kann nicht. |
K сожалению, не могу. |
Ich kann leider nicht |
- Немецкое выражение извинения
Извините, пожалуйста! |
Entschuldigen Sie bitte! Bitte, entschuldigen Sie mich! |
Простите, пожалуйста! |
Verzeihen Sie mir bitte! |
Простите за опоздание! |
Verzeihen Sie mir die Verspätung. |
Я виноват./Это моя вина. |
Das ist meine Schuld. |
Прошу прощения! |
Ich bitte um Verzeihung/ Entschuldigung! |
Ответные реплики
Пожалуйста! |
Bitte sehr! |
Ничего. |
Schon gut. |
He стоит (извинения). |
Ist in Ordnung. |
He за что (извиняться). |
Keine Ursache! |
Hy что же поделаешь (поделать). |
Nichts zu machen. |
- Фразы на немецком для выражения разрешения
Пожалуйста. |
Bitte. |
Можно. |
Ja, natürlich. |
Безусловно. |
Unbedingt. |
Без сомнения. |
Zweifellos. |
He беспокойтесь! |
Keine Sorgen. |
Нет проблем. |
Keine Frage. Kein Problem! |
Само собой разумеется. |
Selbstverständlich. |
Входите! /Войдите! |
Herein. /Treten Sie ein. |
- Немецкое выражение запрещения
Пожалуйста, не делайте этого! |
Bitte, tun Sie das nicht. |
Нельзя. |
Das dürfen Sie nicht. |
Нет. |
Nein. |
Нет, нельзя. |
Nein, das geht so nicht. |
Стандартные фразы коммерческой переписки на английском
We have received your letter of...
Мы получили Ваше письмо от...
We thank you for your letter of...
Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо от...
With reference to your letter of...
Со ссылкой на Ваше письмо от...
In reply to your letter of... we are pleased to inform you that...
В ответ на Ваше письмо от... мы рады сообщить Вам, что...
We refer to our telephone conversation regarding...
Ссылаясь на наш телефонный разговор относительно...
In accordance with your request of...
В соответсвии с Вашим запросом от...
We confirm our telex of... which reads...
Мы подтверждаем наш телекс от..., в котором говорится о...
Further to our letter of... we...
В дополнение к нашему письму от... мы...
Я был бы рад узнать... I would be glad to know ... Будьте добры, сообщите, пожалуйста... Could you please tell me... Пожалуйста сообщите, если... Please let me know if... Не будете ли Вы так любезны сообщить мне... Would you be kind enough to let me know... Не сочтете ли возможным сообщить мне... Would it be possible for you to tell me... Могу я надеяться на...? May I hope for...? Мы полагаем, что Вы сообщите нам как можно скорее... We suggest you let us know as soon as possible... Мы будем очень рады, если Вы сможете известить нас We would be very much obliged if you could inform us... Я был бы весьма благодарен Вам, если бы вы сообщили, что... и когда... I would be grateful if you could let me know what... and inform me when... Мы были крайне благодарны Вам, если бы вы кратко пояснили нам... We would be very much obliged if you could give us a short explanation... Будьте добры, сообщите как можно скорее, желаете ли Вы... Would you please let me know as soon as possible whether you would be willing to... Если у Вас есть какие-либо объяснения, касающиеся <...>, мы с удовольствием выслушаем их Should you have any comments regarding <...> we would very much appreciate hearing from you. Не будете ли Вы столь любезны объяснить нам, как обстоят дела с... Would you please be kind enough to let us know how things stand with... Хотелось бы знать, не сможете ли Вы мне дать информацию... I wonder if you could give me some information...
Цитаты о жизни и любви на английском
- All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust. – Весь мир сделан из веры, доверия и пыльцы фей. (Джеймс Мэтью Барри, писатель; цитата из сказки «Питер Пэн»)
- There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Есть только два способа прожить свою жизнь. Первый – это полагать, что ничего не чудо. Второй – полагать, что все – это чудо. (Альберт Эйнштейн, ученый, общественный деятель)
- Nothing, everything, anything, something: if you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything, without the fear of losing something. – Ничего, все, что угодно, что-то: если у тебя ничего нет, значит – у тебя есть все, потому что ты имеешь свободу делать что угодно, без страха потерять что-то. (Джарод Кинц, американский писатель)
- Everything you can imagine is real. – Все, что вы можете представить – реально. (Пабло Пикассо, художник)
- And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. – Когда вы хотите что-нибудь, вся вселенная вступает в сговор, чтобы помочь вам достичь этого. (Паоло Коэльо, бразильский прозаик и поэт)
- Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. – Пообещай, что всегда будешь помнить: ты храбрее, чем веришь, сильнее, чем кажешься и умнее, чем ты думаешь. (Алан Александр Милн, английский писатель)
- Your life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be opened. – Твоя жизнь – это не проблема, которую нужно решить, а подарок, который нужно раскрыть. (Вейн Миллер, писатель, общественный деятель).
- The heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's that. – Сердце хочет того, чего хочет. В этом нет никакой логики. Ты встречаешь кого-то и влюбляешься – вот и все. (Вуди Аллен, американский актер, режиссер).
- Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. – Многие хотят кататься с тобой на лимузине, но что тебе действительно нужно, этот человек, который поедет с тобой на автобусе, когда лимузин сломается. (Опра Уинфри, американская телеведущая, общественный деятель).
10. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this. – Я люблю тебя, не зная, как, когда или откуда. Я просто люблю тебя, без проблем или гордости: я люблю тебя таким образом, потому что я не знаю ни одного другого способа любить. (Пабло Неруда, чилийский поэт)
- 11. A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea. – Женщина знает лицо любимого мужчины так же, как моряк знает открытое море. (Оноре де Бальзак, французский писатель).
- 12. Even when love isn’t enough…somehow it is. – Даже когда одной любви недостаточно… каким-то образом, это так (достаточно). (Стивен Кинг, американский писатель).
- 13. Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. – Любовь – это огонь. Но собирается ли она согреть ваше сердце или сжечь ваш дом, вы никогда не можете сказать наверняка. (Джоан Кроуфорд, американская актриса).
- 14. How do you spell 'love'? – Piglet – Как ты произносишь «любовь»? – Пятачок
You don't spell feel it. – Pooh – Ты не произносишь это, ты это чувствуешь. – Винни Пух
(Алан Александр Милн, английский писатель; цитата из книги «Винни Пух»)
Прикольные идиомы на разных языках |
In bocca al lupo (итал. «Попади волку в пасть!») — Удачи!
Весьма расхожее итальянское выражение. Наиболее близким русским эквивалентом является «Ни пуха, ни пера!». Итальянцы «желают» друг другу «попасть волку в пасть» перед каким-либо важным и сопровождающимся нервотрепкой мероприятием, типа выступления на сцене, презентации на работе или экзамена. Так же, как у нас, говорить «Спасибо!» не принято — это сулит неудачу, надо отвечать «Crepi il lupo!» или просто «Crepi!» — это значит «Пусть он сдохнет!»
Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy (польск. «Не мой цирк, не мои обезьянки») — Не мои проблемы.
Le démon de midi (фр. «Полуденный демон») — Кризис среднего возраста.
С одной стороны, звучит немного странно. А с другой, как еще объяснить то, что приличный адекватный мужчина 40-50 лет вдруг отказывается от костюмов и галстуков, и вместо этого надевает косуху и черные очки, и уезжает на свежеприобретенном байке в закат?! Одержимость демоном, не иначе.
Katzensprung (нем. «Кошачий прыжок») — Небольшое расстояние.
Одна из немногих немецких идиом, не связанных с пивом и сосисками. Аналог русского «в двух шагах».
Dar calabazas a alguien (исп. «Дать кому-то тыквы») – Отвергнуть кого-то.
Несмотря на то, что это испанская идиома, происходит она из Древней Греции. Там этот очень полезный плод считался анти-афродизиаком, т.е. плодом, лишающим сексуального удовольствия и подавляющим влечение.
Backseat driver (англ. «Водитель с заднего сиденья») — Человек, дающий непрошеные советы и отвлекающий других от дела.
76 способов креативно сказать — «Нет!» на английском
1. I’ll be out of town.
Меня не будет в городе.
2. I’ll be out of the country.
Меня не будет в стране.
3. I’ll be frolicking through strawberry fields. Frolicking, I tell you!
Я пробегу по земляничным полям. Я говорю тебе, пробегу.
4. I know I’m not the best person for that, you should ask ______.
Я знаю, что я не лучший человек для этого, вам следует спросить ________.
5. I can’t do that.
Я не могу этого сделать.
6. I could do that, but then I’d have to kill you.
Я мог бы это сделать, но тогда мне придётся тебя убить.
7. You don’t want to do that.
Ты не хочешь этого делать.
8. It’s not my thing. Now, figure skating is my thing…
Это не моё. Сейчас моё дело – фигурное катание.
9. I’m already overextended, and I wouldn’t want to do a mediocre job.
Я уже слишком затянул, не хотел бы выполнять посредственную работу.
10. The idea is bad and you must be punished.
Идея плохая, вы должны быть наказаны.
11. It’s not a priority for me at this time.
Для меня сейчас это не главное.
12. Have to jet, but thanks for asking.
Нужно бежать, но спасибо за вопрос.
13. I’ll call you.
Я позвоню тебе.
14. Seriously, I’ll call you.
Серьёзно, я позвоню тебе.
15. I’ve done it before and I didn’t enjoy it.
Я делал это раньше и я не получил от этого удовольствия.
16. I’d rather stick needles in my eyes.
Я скорее воткну себе иглы в глаза.
17. Or your eyes.
Или твои глаза.
18. Let me check my schedule.
Позволь свериться с моим графиком.
19. My schedule is up in the air right now. See it wafting gently down the corridor.
Мои планы сейчас в подвешенном состоянии. Вижу их свисающими по коридору.
20. My schedule appears to have been devoured by wild dogs.
Кажется, мои планы съели дикие собаки.
21. I don’t love it, which means I’m not the right person for it.
Я не люблю его, а это значит, что я не тот человек для него.
22. I have problems with commitment.
У меня проблемы с выполнением обязательств.
23. Commitment has problems with me.
Обязательство имеет проблемы со мной.
24. I would prefer to do something else.
Я предпочёл бы сделать что-нибудь ещё.
25. I would prefer another option.
Я бы предпочёл другой вариант.
26. I would prefer a night with Keanu Reeves, but that’s just me. Never mind.
Я предпочла бы провести ночь с Киану Ривзом, но это только я. Неважно.
27. I’ll have to check with Dude.
Я уточню у чувака.
28. Dude would smack me upside the head, strap me down and force me to listen to Mariah Carey.
Чувак будет бить меня по голове, хлестать ремнём и заставлять слушать Марайя Кэри.
29. Let me consult with the fam. Which, as you know, is short for ‘family’.
Позволь мне посоветоваться с женщиной. Как ты знаешь, это сокращение от слова «семья».
30. I need more information on this.
Мне нужно больше информации об этом.
31. I don’t want to hold you up/slow you down, so go ahead and try someone else.
Я не хочу удерживать тебя, поэтому давай действуй, пробуй что-нибудь ещё.
32. I love it, but I know in my gut I’m not the person to execute.
Я люблю его, но я знаю, что из-за моего характера я не смогу выполнить обязательство.
33. I would be the absolute worst person to execute, are you on crack?
Я самый плохой вариант для выполнения обязательств, ты что под кайфом?
34. This is a joke. Right?
Это шутка, верно?
35. Life is too short to do things you don’t love.
Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы делать то, что не любишь.
36. Life is too short to do things that bleed your eyes out.
Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы делать такие вещи, которые заставляют тебя плакать.
37. I no longer do things that make me want to kill myself.
Я больше не делаю таких вещей, за которые мне хочется убить себя.
38. I’ll do it for a gajillion dollars.
Я сделаю это за сто тысяч миллиардов долларов.
39. I’ll be taking salsa lessons with my evil twin.
Я буду заниматься сальсой с моим ужасным партнёром.
40. Talk to my lawyer.
Поговори с моим адвокатом.
41. Talk to my business manager.
Поговори с моим управляющим.
42. Talk to my dog. His name is Sparky.
Поговори с моей собакой. Его зовут Спарки.
43. Talk to me again in six months.
Поговори со мной снова через 6 месяцев.
44. I can’t do it now, but maybe later.
Я не могу сейчас этого сделать, возможно, позже.
45. You should do this yourself, you would be awesome sauce.
Вам следует сделать это самим, это было бы супер.
46. My ladyballs are not that big.
Моя грудь не такая уж большая.
47. I am not The One for whom you have been searching.
Я не тот, кого вы ищете.
48. You should speak to this other dude. Let me hook you up.
Тебе следует поговорить с этим парнем. Позволь вас познакомить.
49. I have a date. Yes. Stop laughing.
Да, у меня свидание. Прекрати смеяться.
50. You want someone who enjoys this kind of thing, and that’s not me.
Вам нужен кто-то, кто любит такие вещи, и это не я.
51. I need to focus on my career right now.
Сейчас мне необходимо сделать упор на карьеру.
52. I need to focus on my personal life right now.
Сейчас мне нужно сосредоточиться на своей личной жизни.
53. I need to focus on my origami right now.
Сейчас мне нужно сконцентрироваться на оригами.
54. I need coffee.
Мне нужен кофе.
55. I need to be free…with the wind in my hair….
Мне нужно быть свободным… с ветром в волосах…
56. I need to focus on one project at a time.
В данный момент мне нужно обратить особое внимание на один проект.
57. I would love to say yes to everything, but that would be stupid.
Я хотел бы сказать да чему-то, но это было бы глупо.
58. I’m not comfortable with that.
Мне не комфортно с этим.
59. I would like to go in a different direction.
Я хотел бы пойти в другом направлении.
60. I am disturbed by your excessive use of smiley faces.
Я обеспокоен вашим чрезмерным использованием смайликов.
61. Some things have come up that need my attention.
Возникли некоторые обстоятельства, которые требуют моего внимания.
62. Fuck no.
Нет, твою мать!
63. My instincts tell me I’m just not suitable for this.
Моя интуиция подсказывает, что я не подхожу для этого.
64. There’s an appropriate person for this kind of thing – and then there’s me.
Есть более подходящий человек для этих вещей, а потом я.
65. I’m not taking on any new responsibilities right now.
Я сейчас не беру на себя какие-либо новые обязательства.
66. I am taking on new responsibilities, just not this one.
Я возьму на себя новые обязательства, но только не это.
67. There is a person who totally kicks ass at this. I am not that person.
Есть человек, который делает это классно. И это ни я.
68. Perhaps we should eat.
Возможно, нам нужно поесть.
69. Perhaps we should have the wild monkey sex. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.
Может нам надо заняться диким сексом. Я не хотел говорить об этом вслух.
70. It would cause the slow withering death of my soul.
Это ведёт к медленной смерти моей души.
71. I’m too distracted by that zit in the center of your forehead. It’s like a unicorn horn!!!
Я отвлёкся на прыщик у вас на лбу. Он как рог носорога!!!
72. No.
73. Please no.
Нет, пожалуйста.
74. My eyes!!! My eyes!!!
Мои глаза!!! Мои глаза!!!
75. Shoot me now.
Застрелите меня.
76. I didn’t mean literally shoot me, you moron.
Я не буквально имел в виду стрелять в меня, придурок.
Descriptions of places - things - events
act of God |
This term refers to an natural event or accident, for which no person is responsible (such as an earthquake, lightning and similar acts of nature). The insurance company refused to pay for the damage because it was caused by an act of God. |
been through the wars |
If something has been in or through the wars, it show signs of rough treatment or damage. He arrived in a car that looked as though it had been through the wars. |
beyond recall |
Something which is beyond recall is impossible to retrieve, cancel or reverse. I'm afraid we can't recover the pictures - your camera is beyond recall. |
beyond redemption |
If something is beyond redemption, it is in such a poor state that there is no hope of improvement or recovery. With the latest scandal, his reputation is now beyond redemption. |
bodice-ripper |
A novel, usually on a historical theme, with a plot that involves romantic passion between a vulnerable heroine and a rich, powerful male character, is called a bodice-ripper. The novel is a bodice-ripper set in the French revolution. |
broad strokes |
If something is described or defined with/in broad strokes, it is outlined in a very general way, without any details. In a few broad strokes he summed up the situation. |
clean as a whistle |
Something as clean as a whistle is extremely clean. This can also mean that a person's criminal record is clean. Bob spent the afternoon washing and shining his car until it was as clean as a whistle. |
collecting dust |
If something is collecting dust, it hasn't been touched or used for a long period of time. My dad doesn't play golf any more. His clubs are collecting dust now. |
come in handy |
To say that something may come in handy means that it may be useful some time or other. Don't throw away those old shelves; they may come in handy one day. |
copper-bottomed |
To describe something such as a plan, a contract or a financial arrangement as copper-bottomed means that it is completely safe or reliable. He signed a copper-bottomed agreement with a distributor. |
creature comforts |
This expression refers to modern conveniences (such as hot water or central heating) that make life comfortable and pleasant. I need my creature comforts. I don't know how I'd survive without air-conditioning in this climate! |
(a) cut above |
Something which is a cut above everything else is better or of higher quality. The articles in this magazine are a cut above the others. |
cut and dried |
If you refer to a situation, problem or solution as cut and dried, you mean that it is clear and straightforward with no likely complications. When the new manager arrived, he didn't find the situation as cut and dried as he had expected.
dead as a doornail |
This expression is used to stress that something is very definitely dead or no longer exists. They've started fighting again, so the peace agreement is now as dead as a doornail. |
dog and pony show |
A dog and pony show is a marketing event or presentation which has plenty of style but not much content. |
dog's breakfast |
To describe something as a dog's breakfast means that it is a complete mess. The new secretary made a dog's breakfast out of the filing system. |
doggie bag |
A bag provided by a restaurant so that you can take the leftover food home with you is called a doggie (or doggy) bag. The portions were so big that I decided to ask for a doggie bag |
fait accompli |
This French expression refers to something that has been done and cannot be changed. He used his savings to buy a motorbike and then presented his parents with a fait accompli. |
falls between two stools |
If something falls between two stools, it is neither totally one thing nor another, and is therefore unsatisfactory. The book didn't sell because it fell between two stools. It appealed neither to historians nor to the general public. |
few and far between |
Items, places or events which are few and far between are rarely found or do not happen very often. Restaurants in this part of the country are few and far between. |
English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions
Choices - Options - Alternatives
about turn / about face |
This term refers to a complete change of opinion or policy. The ambassador's recent declarations indicate an about turn in foreign policy. |
any port in a storm |
When you have no choice, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept, which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable. The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm; all the others were full. |
argue the toss |
If you argue the toss, you dispute a decision or choice which has already been made. The final choice was made yesterday, so don't argue the toss now! |
between the devil and the deep blue sea |
If you are between the devil and the deep blue sea, you are in a situation where there are to equally unpleasant alternatives. When the new product didn't take off, the management was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea : develop a new marketing campaign or drop the product. |
as broad as it's long |
This expression means that there is no real difference which alternative is chosen. Take the high-speed train, or fly and take a taxi? It's as broad as it's long. |
catch 22 |
A catch 22 situation refers to a frustrating situation where you cannot do one thing without doing a second, and you cannot do the second before doing the first. I can't get a job without a work permit, and I can't get a work permit without a job. It's a catch 22 situation! |
cherry pick |
When you cherry pick, you choose something with great care and select only the best. Top university graduates are often cherry-picked by large companies. |
different strokes for different folks |
Each individual has their own tastes and requirements. What suits one person may not suit another. Alison really enjoys gardening, whereas Julie finds it a chore. Different strokes for different folks! |
embarrassment of riches |
When there is much more of something than necessary, and it is difficult to make a choice, you have an embarrassment of riches. Our hosts presented us with an embarrassment of riches. There was so much food that we didn't know where to start! |
fait accompli |
This French expression refers to something that has been done and cannot be changed. He used his savings to buy a motorbike and then presented his parents with a fait accompli. |
on the fence |
When faced with a choice, a person who is on the fence has not yet reached a decision. The candidates have such similar ideas that many electors are still on the fence. |
hedge your bets |
If you hedge your bets, you choose two or more courses of action in order to reduce the risk of loss or error. The company hedged its bets by developing a second line of products. |
horns of a dilemma |
If you are on the horns of a dilemma, you are faced with a choice between two equally unpleasant options. I'm on the horns of a dilemma; I have to choose between a boring job with a good salary or a more interesting job with a lower salary. |
in a quandary |
If you are in a quandary about something, you find it difficult to decide what to do. The job they offer is less interesting but the salary is better. I'm in a quandary about what to do. |
in two minds |
If you are in two minds about something, you have difficulty deciding what to do. I'm in two minds about whether or not to accept the offer. |
keep your options open |
When you keep your options open, you postpone making a decision so that you can choose among several possible courses of action. The offer sounds good, but keep your options open until you're sure it's the best choice. |
know your own mind |
If you know your own mind, you know what you want or like, and are capable of making a decision. I don't want to influence you. You're old enough to know your own mind. |
lesser of two evils |
If you choose the lesser of two evils, you opt for the less unpleasant of two poor options. I didn't want to go. Choosing the train instead of driving was the lesser of two evils; at least I could relax on the way. |
line of least resistance |
If you opt for the line of least resistance, you choose the easiest way of doing something. To make sure the children would stay inside, he chose the line of least resistance and rented a film. |
luck of the draw |
To refer to something that happens as the luck of the draw means that it is the result of pure chance, with no possibility of choice. The samples distributed varied in size and value; it was the luck of the draw. |
my way or the highway |
If you say to someone 'it's my way or the highway', you are telling them that either they accept to do as you say or they leave the project. You don't have much choice when someone says: 'it's my way or the highway.'! |
no-brainer |
A decision or choice that requires little or no thought, because the best option is so obvious, is called a no-brainer. The choice was between a cash refund or having the amount credited to my account - it was a no-brainer! I took the cash! |
plan B |
Plan B is an alternative solution to be adopted if one's original plan does not succeed. The idea is to get a caterer to provide the food. If that's too expensive, plan B is to organise a buffet with the help of friends. |
point of no return |
When you reach the point of no return, you have no option but to continue what you have started, because you have gone so far that it is impossible to go back. I've resigned from teaching and decided to become a writer. Now I've reached the point of no return and must work on the book I am writing. |
take pot luck |
If you take pot luck, you accept whatever is available without knowing what it will be like. We were so hungry we decided to take pot luck and stopped at the first restaurant we saw. |
take a stand |
When you take a stand, you adopt a firm position on an issue and publicly declare whether you support it or are against it. The politician was asked to take a stand on the government's proposed measures to curb illegal immigration. |
test the water(s) |
If you test the water(s), you try to find out how acceptable or successful something is before becoming involved in it. You should go to a gym class to test the water before enrolling. |
shotgun approach |
If you use a shotgun approach, you cover a wide range in a non-selective, haphazard and inefficient manner. Identifying a specific segment of the market as our target will be more effective than a shotgun approach. |
toss-up |
When there are two options or possibilities to choose from, and both are equally good, the choice between the two is called a toss-up (like tossing a coin). Both boxers are in excellent condition. It's a toss-up which of them will win. |
weigh the pros and cons |
If you weigh the pros and cons, you consider the advantages and disadvantages, the arguments for or against something. They weighed the pros and cons of the house before signing. |
Family Relationships :
Male |
Female |
Relationship |
Parent's sibling
Sibling's child(ren)
Aunt/Uncle's child(ren)
Other Relationships :
The 100 most useful emailing phrases
Useful phrases for opening emails
Useful email opening greetings
Opening greeting to one person
Dear Mr/ Ms/ Dr/ Professor + family name (= Dear Mr./ Ms./ Dr./ Prof + family name)
Dear Alex
Hi (John)
Dear Sir or Madam
Opening greeting to more than one person
Dear all
Hi (everyone/ guys)
To: All faculty members/ To: New recruits/ To: All members/ To:…
Useful email opening lines
Opening line mentioning the last contact between you
Thank you for your email (yesterday/ of 12 May) about…
Thanks for your email this morning/ earlier/ yesterday/ on Monday/ last week/…
Thanks for your quick reply./ Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
Thanks for your phone call this morning/ the information about/ your interest in/ your help with/ your hospitality in…/…
Thanks for sending me/ for contacting me about/ for attending/ asking us about/ informing us/ giving us feedback on/ inviting me to/ talking to me about…
It was great/ so nice to see you again on Monday.
(I) just read your email about/ (I) just got your message about/ (I) just got your request for…
It was a pleasure/ my great pleasure to meet you last week.
Sorry for my late reply/ Sorry it took me so long to get back to you/ Sorry not to reply sooner (but/ but I had to…).
Thank you for finding the time to meet me/ talk to me/ attend…
Sorry it’s been so long since I was last in touch/ since my last email.
Opening line with the subject of the email
I’m writing to you about your latest model/ about the meeting next week/ about your presentation yesterday/ about…
I am writing to you in connection with/ with regards to/ regarding/ concerning…
I’m writing (in order) to ask/ to enquire/ to confirm/ to check/ to inform you/ to follow up on/ to let you know/ to tell you/ to thank you/ to invite you to/ to update you on/ to announce that/ to ask for a favour/ to…
(This is) just a quick note to say…
As promised/ As we discussed, I’m writing to send you/ to…
I’m writing (to you) because I have just found out that/ because I thought you’d like to know that/ because I need/ because…
Sorry to write out of the blue, but…
Sorry to write again so quickly, but/ Sorry to bother again so soon, but…
Sorry, in my last email I forgot to…
Social opening line/ Friendly opening line
(I) hope you had a good weekend/ a good evening/ a good trip (to...)/ a good time/ a good holiday/ a good break/ a good…
How’s it going?/ How are things?/ How’s life?/ How are you doing?
I hope you (and your family) are (all) well.
Useful phrases for closing emails
Useful closing lines for emails
Closing line talking about the next contact between you
Closing line when you need a reply
I look forward to hearing from you (soon)./ (I’m) looking forward to hearing from you (soon).
Please let me know if that’s okay/ if that is acceptable with you/ if that sounds okay/ if you can/ if you can help/ if you need an extension/ if you need to reschedule/ if…
Closing line offering more communication if needed
(In the meantime) if you need any more information,…/ If you require any further information (about/ in order to/ before you/ to help you…/…)/ If you need any more info/ Need more info,…
If you have any (more) questions (about…),…/ Any more Qs,…
… please do not hesitate to contact me./… please contact me./ … please feel free to contact me./ please get in touch./ … just let me know./ … just drop me a line (at any time).
Closing line mentioning the next (face to face) meeting
I look forward to seeing/ meeting you then.
See you on Monday/ on…/ next week/ next…/ then.
(I) hope we have the chance/ opportunity to meet again soon.
Other closing lines mentioning the next contact between you
Speak to you soon/ then/ on Monday/ on…
Closing lines for (big) requests
Thanks/ Thank you (in advance).
Any help (at all/ you can offer me)/ Any feedback you can give me (on this)/ Any assistance (you could give me in this matter) would be greatly appreciated/ would be highly appreciated/ would be much appreciated/ would be gratefully accepted.
Closing lines with apologies/ Closing lines when responding to complaints
I hope that is acceptable with you./ (I) hope that is okay (with you).
Once again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused/ for the inconvenience caused/ for the delay/ for…
Thanks for your patience./ Thank you for your patience.
Thanks for your understanding./ Thank you for your understanding.
Social closing lines/ Friendly closing lines
Have a good evening/ day/ weekend/ holiday/ vacation/ break/ trip/...
Send my love to John./ Say “Hi” to John from me./ Please send my (best) regards to John.
Other closing lines
Thanks again (for all your help/ for the info/ for bringing this matter to my attention/ for…)
(I) hope that helps.
Sorry I couldn’t be more help.
(I) hope that answers all your questions/ that’s clearer now/ that’s some help/ that meets with your approval/ that…
Useful closing greetings for emails
Best regards
Sincerely (yours)
Best wishes
All the best
Best wishes
Different ways of writing your name at the end of emails
Alex Case
Alex Case (Mr)
A.M.Case (Mr)
Useful phrases for the main body of the email
Mentioning attachments etc/ Mentioning information elsewhere
(For your reference,) please find the information/ the document/ some data/… attached.
Please see (the information/ the website/ the diagram/ the…) below (for more details/ for…).
If you look at the first line/ bullet point/ paragraph/ section/ page of… (below), you will see that…
The parts in bold/ in red/ in green/… are my comments/ are my boss’s feedback/ are the changes in the second draft/ are…
I’ve pasted in…. below./ I’ve copied in…. below./ I’ve put a copy of… below.
I’ve attached…/ ... is attached.
Here’s the… (that I promised/ that you asked for/ that I mentioned/ that…)
More information on this is available at http://.../ on the intranet/ in pg.. of our catalogue/…
Highlighting important information
Please note that…/ NB…
Could you (possibly)…?
Would you mind sending me/ …ing…?
I was wondering if you could/ if you would be able to…
I’d be very grateful if you could take action in the next few days/ if you could…
I’d really appreciate (some help with)…
Enquiries/ Asking for information
Could you (possibly) tell me…?
(First of all) I’d like to know…
My (first/ second/ third/ next/ last/ final) question is about…
I (also) have a question about…
(If possible) I (also) need to know…
My three (main) questions are below./ Please find my three (main) questions below.
Answering questions/ Giving information
You (also) asked us about…
The answers to your question are below./ Please find my answers below.
In answer to your first/ second/ third/ last question…
To answer your question about…
Making arrangements/ Changing arrangements/ (Re) scheduling
I’d like to meet on… if you are available/ free then.
I’m available on… , if that is convenient/ okay with you.
I’m afraid I can’t make… (because…) How about…?
(Due to…) I’m afraid we need to put forward/ delay/ postpone/ put back/ cancel/ call off/ reschedule/ move/ rearrange…
Making complaints
I’m afraid I was not (very) happy with…
Unfortunately, … was not (really) what I expected.
I’m afraid I was not (completely/ fully) satisfied with…
Apologising/ Replying to complaints
I was sorry to hear about…
(First of all) I would like to apologise for…
Please accept our (sincerest) apologies for the inconvenience caused/ for any inconvenience caused/ for…
Instructions/ Commands/ Demanding action
Just a (quick/ brief/ friendly) reminder that…
(In future/ From now on/ From next week) please make sure that you…/ Please ensure that you…
Giving bad news
We regret to inform you that…
We are sorry to announce that…
Making announcements
I/ We would like to inform you that…
British and American Holidays and Celebrations

Here comes the time of the most anticipated holidays – Christmas and New Year.
Agitation, excitement, effervescence are in the air. It’s time of contemplation and hopes, and presents, of course!
One of many wishes and hopes might be your ardent desire to master a foreign language, English, for instance.
A great motivational Czech proverb reads: Learn a New Language and Gain a New Soul.
Let’s make it not imaginary but real by getting to know some other holidays of countries the language of which you are going to learn or improve.
Look at the list of holidays, find out more about them on the net, and enrich your overall cultural and language knowledge.
For those who are aiming at sitting for some English exams they might come in very handy as well.
Reference: Public Holidays in the UK ; Public Holidays in the US
January |
- 1st New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day – 3rd Monday
February |
- 14th Valentine’s Day
- President’s Day – 3rd Monday
March/April |
- Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) – Day before Lent
- Mothering Sunday – 4th Sunday of Lent
- Easter
May |
- Mother’s Day – 2nd Sunday
- Memorial Day – Last Monday
June |
- Father’s Day – 3rd Sunday
July |
August |
- Notting Hill Carnival – Last Monday
September |
October |
- Columbus Day – 2nd Monday
- 31st Halloween
November |
- 5th Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Day)
- 11th Remembrance Day
- 11th Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day – 4th Thursday
December |
- 25th Christmas
- 26th Boxing Day